Two Curves - Labels - No UnitsΒΆ

Multiple curves on the same set of axes. Axes do not have units. Curves labeled. (Label positions can be picked interactively if ax.label_curves() has the keyword argument pick = True.)

import clearplot.plot_functions as pf
import numpy as np

xa = np.arange(0,10,0.01)
ya = np.sqrt(xa)
xb = xa
yb = np.log(xb + 1.0)

[fig, ax, curves] = pf.plot('', [xa, xb], [ya, yb], \
    labels = ['\Omega_1', '\Omega_2'], legend = False, \
    x_label = ['\omega_{x}'], y_label = ['\Omega'])
ax.label_curves(ndx = [500, 530], angles = [120, -60])'two_curves-labels-no_units.png')